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There are many mediums that have different textures and feel for different responses.   Acrylics have the vibrancy for strong pieces and outstanding durability, pastels for subtle tone and soft changes, and graphite for tonal shading and contrast. These have been a passion of mine for some time. I continue to branch out for the effect and growth experience and return to each of them occasionally to spark my creativity.  My vision for a project drives the medium and many time feel as if I am “sculpting” with layers.

Earlier in my life, I was working toward music and art.  The passion to draw was always there.  I have led a dual life, as many artists do, getting my hands covered in graphite and pastel by night and working in IT occupations by day. My focus is on the edges of sensuality …the human figure,


…or wine and renaissance

Johnny Depp

.  Always dancing

around the eccentricities of subcultures that exist around us, largely unseen in our daily world.

I draw my influence from the architectural oddity of MC Escher, the intimate lighting of Fabian Perez, the immediacy of simple moments in Aldo Luongo’s work, Henry Asencio’s bold and moody color palette and the other worldliness of Maxfield Parrish. A most impactful and special thanks goes to JD Hillberry, my teacher and mentor and to musician Jill Detroit, with whom I have enjoyed collaborating on nine published CD covers.

I welcome your questions and thoughts as you look through my gallery.  Steve@Sellenburg.com

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. I am a huge fan of Steve’s and delighted to have his artwork on my CD covers – his creativity and subtle infusion of color are so unique and inspiring. My fans look forward to the artwork as much as they do the music!

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